Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Vuk Cosic

Should be concerned with making money, is that not the opposite approach to what makes Internet art so cool in the first place. The fact that it rellies on its own set of standards. I could see finding a way to make money by providing something that is av ante-guard, something that cannot be produced again, and selling this piece of work. But once you start thinking about money, who are you going to sell to, and doesn't this question already start to influence your work. I know that in professional painting, writing , or any kind of art, once you start trying to appeal to someone or some group, this can begin to take the fun out of some of the creative process. Just think if for a second that your favorite band started off in their endeavours creating music in order to make money, they would be Marky Mark or The Monkeys, sure you may be able to sing a couple of their songs off the top of your head, but did they really do anything for society? I just think that it becomes dangerous once you start making art for money, But then again, I may not understand the concept of art for money, and maybe the greatest art in the world is the one that lies and steals money from your pocket, much like a concert poster would or an ad for a great tasting cup of coffee.

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