Tuesday, October 2, 2007

dragging assignment #5

The creative spirit gets crushed by massive code.


Youngblood said...

Liar! The creative spirit lives on!
Anyhoo, even if the dragging animation were to work, I think right now it's a little to frantic: I don't know how exactly the dragging was to work, but if there wasn't a sort of transition that was calmer than what's on the screen now, I think you should add it. The current animation really gets your attention, but a little too much eye strain occurs after a while...

Cat B. said...

I really like the background movieclip. YOU had me at the get go and then I was not sure what was going on other than the screen color changing. I found the ending frame where you drag the start, does not really fit with the awesomenessss of the background moie clip.